Dear fans of the Svojšice festival,
I am extremely sorry, but I have to cancel this year’s festival.
There is only one reason – we sell a small number of tickets, we need thousands, but we have hundreds.
A month before the festival, according to all estimates, the economic loss could reach an astronomical amount. It is possible that some of the fans will have a lot of theories as to why this is, I have a lot of them too, but the fact remains that we are selling the least amount of tickets for the most expensive line-up in the history of the festival, even though we have put the most effort into the communication of the festival so far .
I am very sorry because I have been building Svojšice since the beginning of my career, so it is very difficult for me to make this decision. I don’t even want to organize any “other” version of the festival, where only a part of the booked artists would perform. That’s not the way to go and I don’t think it’s fair to you, our fans.
In the coming weeks, when I have “processed” this sad event and evaluated the various options, I will contact you with information about the future fate of the festival. I hope things will improve in the future.
Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket and looked forward to the festival. I know this is sad news for rock fans.
Of course, we will refund everyone the money for the tickets in full. Ticketstream will inform you about this soon.
Other events under the Svojšice Festival brand remain valid.
Thank you all for your understanding.
Petr Dzingel